Wednesday, January 13, 2010

John Komen's article on PUD 3

Here's an article that John Komen gave me permission to post.


What's the big pocketbook issue in Mason County in 2010? In this sorry economic climate, everything saps your pocketbook, that is if you're fortunate enough to have a pocketbook. Pick one issue, however, and it has to be the power bill--the fear your electricity bills are going up.
Public Utility District 1, serving the small Potlatch service area, has already announced it wants to raise electricity bills by 4 per cent. But PUD 3, the major electricity provider, serving 32,536 Mason County owner/ratepayers, loudly proclaimed no rate hike this year.
Don't be fooled. PUD 3's declaration was a pre-emptive strike.
PUD 3 is faced with a growing protest over its needlessly expensive $45 million plan to move its offices and operations to Johns Prairie. It must necessarily, then, try to reassure everyone that all is well. Hey, folks, cried PUD 3 just before 2009 expired. Not to worry--we're not going to raise your rates in 2010! Trust us!
We're holding down costs, said the announcement rolled out by its well-oiled and costly public relations machinery. Our 2010 budget is a bit lower and we've even managed to lay off a worker or two, bragged PUD 3 in its no-rate-hike proclamation.
The elephant in the room, however, is that screwball plan to build a grand new palace of offices and cushy operations quarters. Keep the public apathetically calm, and maybe they won't notice we're spending $45 million of their money, the PUD 3 managers claim.
But there are signs the smokescreen won't work. The white elephant is getting more attention. More citizen activists are stepping forward to join the steadfast cadre of owner/ratepayers protesters concerned about how that $45 million impact will rates in the future.
With County Courthouse controversies on the wane, citizens worried about costly county government activity can turn their attention to the PUD 3 boondoggle. Already there is evidence some of those active in the County Commissioners' budget hassle are looking at PUD 3.
Most important was the filing of an action by Shelton businessman Tom Pearson. He has brought an appeal against PUD 3's formal declaration its Johns Prairie construction will have no impact on the environment.
On his own time and at his own expense, Pearson single-handedly is challenging the legitimacy and credibility of the so-called "determination of environmental non-significance". It is a Herculean task. It is a lot to ask of a Shelton small businessman.
PUD 3 immediately hired a $395 an hour attorney from a high-powered Seattle law firm to fight Pearson's citizen appeal.
So the battle is shaping up. It is the people and their pocketbooks vs. PUD 3, its lawyers and its plan to spend $45 million.

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John Komen is a former television journalist and newspaper editor. He was an Obama delegate to the 2008 state Democrat Convention. John and wife Diane live in retirement on Mason Lake.

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