Friday, April 23, 2010

ADAGE: Open Letter from President LWV Mason County

I've received permission to post the below open letter from Sandra Herndon, President, League of Women Voters Mason County. Why wouldn't our elected officials be seeking out answers to our questions and sharing what they know with the public? This is especially true for those elected officials who've made up their minds about bringing ADAGE to Mason County.


Here is a partial list of concerns about the ADAGE incinerator project voiced by residents of Mason County (from those inclined toward the project as well as from those inclined against):

*effects on the air quality, particulates, etc.
*adequacy of water and sewer capacity as well as water supply
*disposition of wastewater and pollution concerns
*ash residue, composition, use, and disposal
*effects on traffic flow and road infrastructure
*actual permanent employment for the county residents, including level of opportunities
*financial cost to county through "sweetheart" tax deals
*affordable electricity made available for the county.

Citizens of Mason County are well-educated and well-informed. They seek specific, detailed, factual information, not generalities or public relations pieces, in order to determine if this project is in the county’s best interests. The fundamental question is this: Given the fragile ecosystem and the employment needs in this area, how does this project improve the existing situation compared with any actual and potential damage?

Sandra L. Herndon, President
League of Women Voters of Mason County

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