Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Yesterday (April 12) a small group visited ORCAA (Olympic Regional Clean Air Agency). I was not there but would love to hear what happened. Can anyone post as a comment or send me an email so that all of us can hear about this meeting? I understand Lynda Ring Erickson is an ORCAA board member and that she sat in on yesterday's meeting which included 12 private citizens.

Also heads up. There is another meeting with ORCAA again today (April 13) at 2PM with Gordon Lance. Today's visit will include a physician from Massachusetts, Dr Sammons who has expertise on respiratory disease and particulate matter. I understand the setting is relaxed and a great opportunity for all of us to learn more about the proposed ADAGE incinerator.

I urge everyone to refer to the ADAGE facility as an incinerator. The ADAGE President (Reed Wills) hates that noun or title. He likes to refer to their facility as a "boiler". But let's all stay focused on what's going to be happening in Mason County. ADAGE will be burning 600,000 tons of woody biomass.

Ross Gallagher told me on Saturday that this facility will be able to burn all our Christmas trees there. Just think of this Christmas Tree City will be burning it's Christmas trees so that we can produce electricity for California. Does this make sense?

Yes, for your elected officials - it makes sense. In this same conversation with Ross he practically was walking on clouds when he shared with me that ADAGE will produce $20M dollars in sales tax. But what Ross didn't say was the lion's share of the $20M will go to help the State of Washington balance the books at that level. Check me on this - 6.5% of $250M goes to the state which comes to $16M on my calculator. Then the governor and the state legislators can decide how that will be spent.

That should help all of us understand why our State Senator Tim Sheldon, who often appears as our County Commissioner, now says he's 100% behind ADAGE.

Pesky citizens are not necessarily disrespectful or rude when we ask questions. In fact, I believe it is my job to ask questions and attempt to be informed. I want to understand what the costs and benefits are as the decision is made to allow the ADAGE incinerator to burn adjacent to the MCRA ball fields.

Hope to hear from all of you soon.

1 comment:

  1. Would it be helpful to add the ORCAA address here? When do comments need to be in?
