Tuesday, May 25, 2010

ADAGE: Citizen's Informational Forum May 24

Last night about 350 to 375 people gathered in the Shelton Civic Center to learn more about woody biomass incineration and ADAGE. Elected officials included State Representative Kathy Haigh, County Commissioner Ross Gallagher and Port of Shelton Commissioner Jack Miles. Linda Thomson sat in for State Representative Fred Finn.

It wasn't just the home team in attendance though. Kristine Reeves from Senator Patty Murray's office and Veronica Marohn from Governor Gregoire's office made note of the audience's overwhelming response when asked if they were against ADAGE coming to Mason County. Conley Watson, a local resident, asked the question that brought out a clear "no thank you" to this latest half-baked economic development idea that would bring a multinational firm to our county. An "economic development idea" that will work only if the taxpayer provides hefty incentives and sweeteners to the firm for at best 20 or so minimum wage jobs.

Dr Greg Helms provided scientific information in a way that all of us could understand. His ability to translate truly dense scientific material was fantastic. Even more impressive was Greg's skill at providing the health risks associated with locating a biomass incinerator in our midst. Dr Sammons, a Massachusetts pediatrician had been slated to speak but couldn't make it. With about a 24 hour notice Greg took on both the health and environmental perspectives and was able to explain to us why bringing ADAGE to Mason County is a really bad idea. Greg is my kind of expert - one who can translate complex material into something that I can relate to. Kudos to Greg Helms! We are so lucky to count you and Linda as fellow Mason County residents.

Port Commissioner Jack Miles added a flourish of drama (as if any was needed) as he shared with the audience that he'd just recently received copies of signed agreements between ADAGE and the Port of Shelton. I believe he said these agreements were for a feasibility study and access to Port property and had been signed by Port Manager John Dobson as far back as August 2009. But more importantly, at the next business meeting (June 1) he'll push to get the other two Port Commissioners to end all efforts to negotiate a lease agreement with ADAGE. Do check back for a blog posting next week as there may be standing room only at the Port meeting that day. I'll make every effort to be there. I'm betting the Port's attorney is going to be needed at least for the interpretation of Robert's Rules of Order.

Theresa Jacobson serving as the meeting's moderator allowed members of the audience to share their thoughts and questions. Of special note to me is the young boy scout, Kevin Majors, who asked the audience to please keep the air clean for the children. Nor will I be forgetting anytime soon the comment made by the owner of Funghi Perfecti, Paul Stamets, who explained that if ADAGE comes to Mason County, he will take his business and 35 jobs elsewhere.

Mason County, sounded to me like the real message was summed up by these two members of the audience: a child and a business man. It's real simple - ADAGE is a bad idea because the costs outweigh the benefits.


  1. 2:54 AM!!! We should all be sooooo passionate and dedicated to improving things in our community! Brenda failed to mention that she spoke also about the costs and benefits (or not) associated with Adage. She was very eloquent and made it obvious, with Dr. Greg Helm's help, that the promise of new jobs is just a shell game and that bringing Adage to Mason County is all about the money to be gained by a very select few including a foreign company. The millions it will cost us is nothing compared to the loss of our health and that of our families. If our local, state and federally elected leaders don't stop insanity such as this then they need to be voted out of office now!

  2. Brenda, Thank YOU so much for your diligence. Your presentation last night was very clear and enlightening. I appreciate the work you have done to simplify the process of identifying the money trail.

  3. Here are my pictures of the event:

  4. Anonymous, what is so interesting is that Greg and I prepared our briefings independently but both of us naturally came to costs and benefits. It's just not there.

    DJ, thank you for saying that the briefing last night was clear. That was my whole objective.

    Mossy Mom, thank you so much for the pictures. Way cool. I think I know who you are. Thanks for always being at our meetings with your camera.


  5. I can't believe the ADAGE ad I heard on KMAS this morning. ADAGE is now promising 700 jobs and green energy. The number of jobs just keeps growing. Shame on KMAS for taking dirty money from ADAGE.

  6. Kudos to Theresa and Brenda for their key roles in the public forum last night. They are both very well spoken and made personal comments that added a human element to grave concerns about our community's environmental health. Dr. Helms’ brilliant presentations were very articulate and peppered with his great wit. While he was talking, I looked around and observed a room crowded with attentive citizens, despite the fact that our chairs were too close together and the temperature was very warm. When those citizens were given a chance to express themselves, I hope the politicians in the room were as impressed as I was with their insightful questions and comments.
