Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Belfair Water District Craziness

There is such craziness going on in Mason County. Check out the below email conversations and then further below are the very sane comments that Ken VanBuskirk (private citizen and customer) wasn't allowed to make prior to the room being cleared by the Mason County Sheriff's Office. I checked there isn't even a full moon to help explain this craziness in Mason County.

From: John Phillips
To: Ken and Peggy
Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2010 11:13 PM
Subject: Re: Belfair Water district meeting 5-11-10

Dear Ken: I have copy of your public comment. We will have the same incorporated into the minutes. Durning last two meetings, "The Mike Pope Posse" has disrupted the meeetings by hooting, scoffing, cross-talk and side-bar conversations. For the first time ever, The Board of Commissioners had to recess and let them vent in the parking lot. I attend many meetings and have never witnessed such uncivil behavior. I have asked Pope to get his followers under control, but thinks all this is cute. The two state agencies that oversee our operation (DOH amd DOE) give BWD high grades. Its the same with the State Auditor. Our local mission is provide our customers good water - at a good rate- always with good service. We do a good job at our local mission. Your non-stop negative and divisive remarks only encourage Mr. Pope's followers. Ken, consider transferring your zeal to FD2 who added an Ass't Chief to the rolls at a cost of 100K a year without any public comment. And they purchased an expensive new fire truck. Tell me Ken how much public comment and advertising was present to alert citizens for this huge purchase. Perhaps you, Mr. Pope and his posse ought to go to other agencies where the game is bigger. Chair John P

--- On Tue, 5/11/10, Ken and Peggy wrote:

From: Ken and Peggy
Subject: Belfair Water district meeting 5-11-10
To: "John Phillips"
Date: Tuesday, May 11, 2010, 3:41 PM

John I would like to register a formal complaint with you as chairman of the Belfair water district board. I followed proper protocol and asked the water district office staff both verbally and by email a week ago to be placed on today's agenda. (see below) I further made arrangements to have someone provide child care while I came to the meeting.
During the public comment section of today's meeting I raised my hand to speak. I am extremely disappointed that you failed to recognize me and I had to leave when you had a police officer clear the room. I planned to give the attached document to you and your fellow commissioners and read into the public record. Please consider my comments.
Thank you
Ken VanBuskirk

From: Ken and Peggy
Sent: Monday, May 03, 2010 12:50 PM
To: bwdoffice;
Subject: Time on May 11th agenda

hi Jen thanks for the info on rates. Per our telephone conversation I would like to be on the agenda May 11 under the topic of ratepayer concerns and the SR-3 widening project. Thank you

Had Ken been allowed to speak, here's what he wanted to say:

For the record, Ken VanBuskirk, 61 NE Davis Farm Road.
I believe you all received an email I wrote to you regarding the bypass proviso group. I recommended that the funding for the DOT widening project be shifted to the construction of the bypass. The DOT was unwilling to further develop this recommendation for our legislators. I’m here today to ask you to consider sending a letter to our elected 35th district Representatives and Senator informing them about the potential financial impact that the DOT widening project places on the 518 BWD ratepayers and ask them for their intervention and assistance in this matter. I would be glad to provide information to help your manager draft a letter or resolution for your approval.
I also sent you an e-mail regarding your recent change of meeting times and the rate and water efficiency hearings. Were these meeting dates and times discussed in an open public meeting? If not, why weren’t they? The newsletter is a great tool! In my e-mail I suggested you tell the ratepayers about the rate hearing in the newsletter, why didn’t you?
Now is not the appropriate time to ask for a rate increase to the users. Perhaps a small capital facilities charge. But don’t focus on the ratepayers.
I encourage you to put your personal differences aside and help resolve some of the issues still lingering and festering in the community. Complete the meter study, approve the Romance Hill annexation, and tell the ratepayers about the wetland restoration and who is paying for it. Consider what sort of a legacy you are leaving for our community. Your manager thinks I’m mixing governing with community politics. That is what our democracy is all about, that is why you were elected, to represent us. I believe strongly that local leadership is the best form of representative government but this community disruption has gone on too long. If you can’t make a good faith commitment to your constituents to resolve your differences, then perhaps it’s time to approach PUD 1 about taking over BWD.

Ken VanBuskirk

When a police officer is called to clear a water board meeting, I think it's time for another "Get Real in Mason County Award" or maybe we should consider the "Are You Kidding? Award". Nevertheless, shame on Commissioner John Phillips for denying Ken Van Buskirk an opportunity to speak.

Yes, move the Belfair Water District to PUD 1. Give the customers and the rest of Mason County a break. We can't handle so much drama in meeting after meeting.


  1. This is only tip of the iceberg for the Belfair Water District. They have routinely had over 50 attendees at their regular meetings which caused them to move thier meetings from 7pm to 2 pm in an attempt to reduce public attendence and comment. John Phillips will sling mud at any agency or person, trying to deflect the negative attenion away from the mismanagement of his District. There is a reason that the tiny district has been in the paper every week for almost a year. They need 4.5 million dollars for a line replacement and all they can do is spin their wheels. It is unfortunate to see what they have done to Ken and many other of their customers. They want to charge the fire department $10,000 every year to be able to use water in putting out fires and when the fire department refuses John Phillips commences the bashing. The fire department has worked hard to protect me and our community while the water district has done all it can to tear our community apart. I invite you to attend a water district meeting to see just how deplorable commissioner John Phillips and water manager Dave Tipton treat their customers.

  2. Let me know when the next meeting is going to be held. I just may come and join you. I know Ken VanBuskirk and he is one of the most polite and decent people that I've ever known. Move this water system to PUD1 - that's the solution. Thanks for your comment.

  3. Maybe a Citizens group whose mission is to have PUD # 1 take over the system. I hear alot of talk about this option but no action. No time is better then now!

  4. You're right - citizens and voters are the ones who are in charge. Some of our elected officials have become complacent at best while some are downright arrogant. We may not be able to change what's happening in Washington DC but we can make change at the zip code level. Go for it!

  5. Brenda,

    The next water distrcit meeting is May 25th at 2 pm at the Water District headquarters on Highway 3 in Belfair. Should you attend you won't believe what you are about to see. 50 people at a small water district meeting should highlight the affairs at the Belfair Water District. Having attended both, the BOCC meetings are tame in comparison. I would love to take back our public water district but with commissioners that are so out of touch with its public we are limited in options.

  6. Wow! I must say, I am totally shocked as to the comments regarding Belfair Water District #1.
    I was employed there for 11 months in 1999, and, it was a very respectible place to work. During my tenure, there was a supervisor, secretary & 2 technicians. Of course like any other place of business or even family for that matter other than a few very very minor incidents, the work place was harmonious. Everyone knew what they had to do and on many occasions went out of their way to help customers. I can even remember on 2 occasions assisting other water districts in Belfair.
    Key personnel I can remember from my time there are Supervisor Jerry, Secretary Kathy, fellow Technician Tom & Chairman Lou.
    I must say, if what I read from this blog is true, I am surely disappointed. Even though I have dealt with PUD 1 personnel when I was there, it's always nice to have a local district. Hopefully all matters will improve.
    Never were there any disruptions at the monthly meetings, nor, was law enforcement response requested.
    I concur that the FD is out to protect the lives & properties of Belfair residences, however, I know too, that do their darnest to manipulate the water district.
    In conclusion I must say, I sure hope all can be worked out and Belfair Water District # 1, get back to what it once was.
    Lawrence Lafferty, CT, USA

  7. As a former employee of BWD, I follow with interest the soap opera being played out over the last couple of years. John Phillips was a commissioner back then, but not chair, but he always wanted to be chair. Sadly, John is not interested in what the customers want. He is in this for the position of authority. It makes him feel important. Question him and you will discover his knowledge of water is very limited. Harry is willing to follow whatever lead John sets. Mike Pope entered hostile territory when he became a commissioner. It's time John resigned and let someone who cares about the customers do the job.
