Wednesday, May 26, 2010

ADAGE: Common Sense from Local Businessman

At Tuesday's Port of Shelton commissioners' workshop, I asked Jay Hupp whether the threat of Mason County
losing Funghi Perfecti influences his decision to lease property to the ADAGE operation. He said it's one of many factors that he's weighing.

Here's a portion of an email from Paul Stamets, owner of Funghi Perfecti. He helped me to understand why he must relocate his business if ADAGE comes to the Port of Shelton. Paul gave me permission to share this information with you.

Yet another concern I have is the clogging of our HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) filters. We have 4 laboratories here, pushing air through .12 micron filters with a 99.999% efficiency. The microparticulate load of incoming air will increase dramatically, meaning we will have to replace these expensive filters much more often. (Who is going to pay for these ? Me ?) Without knowing how much increase in particulates from Adage, hard to predict but IF they installed these same filters on their smokestack, this would eliminate the source of the problem. However, they would likely have to change their filters daily, if not hourly. The HEPA filters remove particulates, but not those below ultrafine ones ~ .1 um, and do not remove gases.

We are looking for new warehouses to rent now. If ADAGE is being offered all these economic incentives, what am I being offered ? Nothing, but an increase in operational expenses, a much more difficult marketing issue, and likely decreased land values.

If ADAGE is bad for mushrooms, can it possibly be good for our children?


  1. I'm a fungophile, I sure don't want fungi perfecti to move.. :(

  2. For those who might not know Paul Stamets there is a small piece in the Spring issue of the magazine Fungi. From that article;
    "In February, Paul Stamets received the President's Award from the Society for Ecological Restoration recognition of his contributions to Ecological Restoration (caps as they were in magazine). Stamets, founder of Fungi Perfecti ( and author of six books, .....has pioneered the field of mushrooms as a tool for restoration, championing their importance to soil fertility and bioremediation. He has discovered and described four new specie and invented many techniques in the field of edible and medicinal mushroom cultivation." And on and on.

    We are lucky to have Paul Stamets in our community and the prospects for the jobs growing from this industry could be huge! To lose either Paul or the jobs he brings would be sad - and frankly stupid. Our political leaders really need to do some reassessing!


  3. Thank you for your comments, Mossy Mom and Anonymous. As I get to know the people in Mason County, I continue to be amazed at their talents and expertise. Paul, like so many others I've met over the last few weeks, is working to make Mason County a better place to live. Thank you, Paul.
