Monday, May 17, 2010

Briefings - May 17

Here's what I noted today that might be of interest. By the way, the Journal had a real live reporter there for some of the briefings.

1. Commissioner's 2011 Salary Increase. Yes you read this correctly - they plan to increase the salary for Lynda and Tim. This should be a consent agenda item next week - May 25. There is a bit of a rush to get this voted on before Ross files his candidacy for reelection. "I guess this is what we have to do", Tim said with such resignation.

After the briefings were completed I asked why not reduce Ross' salary instead of increasing Tim's and Lynda's since their stated concern is that all commissioner's salaries must be standardized. To which Ross replied, "it's a constitutional mandate."

Here's an excerpt from the resolution that should be on the agenda next week:

Now therefore be it resolved to suspend the 3% increase in 2011 for the 3d District County Commissioner (Ross), which results in all three commissioners being paid the same salary in 2011 - $76,083 and each year thereafter, the Commissioners' salaries shall be increased 3% as previously established by Resolution 85-01.

2. Paying for Union Settlements. Right after discussing their salary increase one would think the generosity might extend to the Sheriff's office. Not quite. The Sheriff spelled out that when county accepted the Stimulus grant last year (over $600K), the Board clearly agreed that by accepting this money they would find a way to fund employees and not just lay them off when the dollars dried up. In other words if the Board makes the Sheriff absorb the 2010 salary increases of $95K then he might be forced to lay off one corrections officer who is being paid by grant dollars.

Ultimately the Sheriff's office and the Board made an agreement but didn't go so far as to kiss and make up. The Sheriff can wait a few months for the $95K supplemental with a revisit in July and September. The Board liked the idea of pushing this can down the road.

Lynda asked Ross to break the news to Parks that they may see budget reductions to cover union settlements. The Sheriff took exception to the way this funding decision has been framed. He said the Board is driving a wedge between departments and elected officials with some of their comments.

Here's the take away on this: the big problem isn't 2010. How will the county fund the Jail/Corrections Staff contract settlement which is over $200K in 2011?

There was a good bit of discussion today about going with a levy shift of county roads dollars to the general fund/current expense. Appeared that both Tim and Lynda were inclined to approve a levy shift for 2011.

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