Thursday, May 27, 2010

ADAGE: KMAS Broadcast

If you can't make it to the Mason County Public Works Building this evening (May 27, 6 to 8 pm), then you may want to listen to KMAS 1030am on your radio dial. Also you can check out the webcast at

Just based on what I heard last night at the Little Creek Casino, I believe there are a lot of questions that remain unanswered.

I hope to be able to get in the room. I understand the room's capacity is only about 170 people. KMAS chose the Public Works Building because they'll get a clearer broadcast in this facility. You may want to come early to get a seat.


  1. Brenda, have you seen this article:

  2. Mossy Mom, thanks for sharing. Interesting that we didn't learn from the ethanol fiasco. We're moving from corn fields to our forests.

  3. Brenda - fyi, none of my 25 questions were asked at the meeting. The fact that dioxins and/or heavy metals will escape when the bags fail, and that these will descend upon our community, highest nearest to the stack, concerns me as it should concern us all. Dioxins accumulate and are measured in ppt (parts per trillion). The EPA has new guidelines in review tightening the regs. Also, I found their statements that property values would go up to be preposterous - who wants to buy property in view of a smokestack. Another bizarre claim by Dr. Lura Greene is that particulates would only increase from 8 mcg/cu.meter to 8.1 mcg/cu.meter below the smokestack defies common sense, given that they could be burning 1.2 tons per minute. I would challenge her data, especially since it is entirely speculation as they have never built one of these before. The public, in my mind, is being deceived by their 'science'. Paul Stamets (

  4. Brenda
    It was really interesting in their response to the blocking of a Gretna. Florida plant proposed by ADAGE. They don't like people knowing that they got the boot.

  5. We need to have a few more of our own meetings! Forget the meetings set up by the corporate owned media.

  6. I was not at all impressed with the ADAGE presentation. None of the citizens' questions were answered accurately. How many times was "that's a good question" used to begin the diversionary dialog used to avoid answering the questions? I believe the benefits from a mushroom industry in our county far outweigh the result of having ADAGE here. Thank you Mr. Stamets for being here.

  7. I agree. Mushrooms rule! They are clean to grow and we have so much yet to learn about mushrooms. Let's save the forests and our mushrooms in one fell swoop by stopping these nasty biomass incinerators in Shelton, Forks and Olympia.

    Who knows of a large and cheap public space in Olympia?

  8. Large & cheap space:
    The Loft on Cherry:

  9. Thanks DJ.

    Dr. Sammons Powerpoint is now available on my blog. when you click the link select "open" and it will open up with powerpoint 2007 or newer.

    If you need it in an older version I can provide that too.
