Thursday, May 20, 2010

Port of Shelton - Air Cleared

Today my husband and I met with Port of Shelton Commissioner Jay Hupp for nearly two hours. At the end of our discussion I can say that, while Jay and I may not agree on everything, I do have a more complete understanding of how the Port originated and several issues surrounding the Port.

One thing that I believe Jay and I do agree on is that neither one of us was pleased with Tuesday's meeting. Our conversation today substantiates what I have been saying all along - all the public wants and expects is open and frank discussions with our elected officials.

Dean and I appreciate Jay making the effort to meet with us and for leaving us feeling like we had actually been heard.

Jay, thanks for listening.


  1. Kudos to you for taking the time to set up a meeting and actually talk to him about your concerns.

    Many of the contentious issues in the community could be resolved (or at least discussed) more amicably if all sides would follow your example.

  2. Anonymous, Jay Hupp initiated the meeting. That shows leadership on his part in my books.

    I totally agree with you. We must begin to hold a dialogue between the public and our elected officials.

    Thank you for your comment.
