Wednesday, May 26, 2010

ADAGE: Little Creek Casino Meeting

ADAGE brought Dr Laura Green, a toxicologist to the Casino this evening to answer questions. This was supposed to be an intimate setting of hand picked members of the community prior to tomorrow's KMAS interview which is being held at the Public Works building on Highway 101 (6 to 7 pm). I finagled myself an invite into this small group to hear the ADAGE paid expert answer questions. I'm thinking maybe I wasn't the only one who all but crashed the party judging from the very direct questions.

I'm sure ADAGE didn't expect to have questions coming from an environmental research scientist, a local businessman who grows mushrooms, an emergency room nurse with expertise and training in respiratory disease, a woman whose brother died from exposure to asbestos, or an artist who has seen first hand the toxic effect of wood ash in her work. Dr Green must have been wondering where these professionals came from with their knowledge and expertise.

Let's make note of the number of elected officials who attended this evening's little soiree. (I'm trying to use more French words in anticipation of AREVA of France showing up in Mason County.) State Representative Kathy Haigh, County Commissioner Ross Gallagher, and Port Commissioner Wallitner attended as elected officials. As you'll recall from a previous posting this week both Kathy and Ross were at the Citizen's Forum on Monday night. Ross and Kathy, thanks for making the effort to learn more about ADAGE before any final decisions are made.

Jim Gaston assured us that the 24 permanent jobs would be more than minimum wage jobs. When pressed to tell us what kind of job openings the plant would require, he said they needed a plant operator, engineers, and technicians. More about this I expect at tomorrow's KMAS interview.

Hope to see you there. But if you can't be there, I understand it will be aired live on KMAS.

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