Tuesday, June 1, 2010

BOCC Meeting - June 1

Lynda is still on vacation. You never know what to expect when you attend the BOCC meetings. Today was no exception.

1. The county commissioners 2011 pay raise came up right off the bat during the open forum for citizens. Tim said commissioners received no pay raise at the BOCC meeting last week. I wasn't the only one who thought they'd raised the pay of Lynda and Tim in 2011, so did the Clerk of the Board. The Mason County Commission Agenda Action Sheet for the May 25, 2010 meeting shows as "Approved" for the following:

8.1 Approval of the resolution suspending the 3% increase, as previously established by Resolution 85-01, for the 3rd District County Commissioner in 2011. This results in all three Commissioners being paid the same salary in 2011.

As you'll recall in 2010 Ross receives a salary of $76,083 while Tim and Lynda $73,867. The only way all three commissioners could receive the same salary is for Tim and Lynda's salary to be raised to Ross' salary.

What are we to conclude about this? I'm concluding that shaming elected officials is a most effective tool. I'm ready to accept that their 2011 salaries will stay constant. That's what we spent 45 minutes arguing for last week. Honestly, I can't make this stuff up.

2. Annette McGee got some interesting answers to her questions today.

Ross says recordings of all BOCC meetings and briefings will be kept forever.

Regarding ADAGE, the lead agency for the approval process is the county according to Tim. Ross mumbled something about the SERPA process within the county which I think he meant as SEPA. Then Annette asked Tim and Ross about tax credits that ADAGE would be receiving. Tim said "I don't know" over and over - as in seven times. But Annette doesn't give up easily so she just kept asking questions about the federal and state sweeteners and got the big "I don't know" answer from one and a big shrug from another.

3. Ross did offer at one point that Mason County Public Health would be holding a health education forum on ADAGE in July. This brought Theresa Jacobson right out of her seat and up to the microphone. She said that Mason County Public Health has been negligent of health concerns and she knows this first hand. Apparently Theresa had been trying to get help from the county on an issue of health and safety in her neighborhood. It took her years to get a response from Public Health. Further she went on to say that when Dr Sammons (a Massachusetts pediatrician who is a medical expert on the health risks associated with woody biomass facilities) tried to speak at the April 27 Board of Public Health meeting, he was ignored by two commissioners and yelled at by another. Then Theresa asked why would we trust Public Health to look out for the interests of this county?

There you have it. I left early because the PUD 3 meeting started at 10 am. I couldn't miss that. Not when you are counting on this blog for the "unvarnished truth". The day only got better.


  1. Can you post a schedule so we can know when all these meetings are? I only knew about the Port meeting.. thanks..

  2. Mossy Mom, I usually post the meetings but messed up this last weekend. We really need the public who are opposed to be there on Tuesday at the county commissioner's meeting. They are the lead agency on ADAGE. Help me get the word out.

  3. There's a calendar of events on incineratorfreemasoncounty.org.

    It appears to me that County Commissioners Sheldon and Ring-Erickson are saying they are being forced to accept a salary increase in compliance with Resolution 85-01. If that's the case, wouldn't it be a noble gesture for them to donate their pay raise back to the county to help fund critical projects?

  4. I'm not sure where the salary increase for the County Commissioners Tim and Lynda stands. I think they are intentionally confusing the public. More to follow on this.

  5. incinerator does not list all of the meetings. When do the county commissioners meet?

  6. Public meetings of the Mason County Board of Commissioners are held on Tuesdays at 9 AM, except 4th Tuesday of month is at 6 PM.

    Place: Commissioners Chambers, 411 N 5th ST, Mason County Building 1

  7. In 2001 the County commissioners passed a resolution 85-01 that establishes their pay at 97.5% of five select counties Grays, Lewis, Jefferson, Island, and Clallam. Since the state constitution prohibits elected officials, who set their own salaries, from changing salaries during their term, this increase took several years to get in place (2005). Thereafter they were to receive at least a 3% increase yearly. Oddly, there should be no difference in the commissioners salaries as resolution 85-01 had the equalization built in. As of 2005 all three commissioners should be receiving at least a 3% yearly increase. They should be able to benefit from it since it was established in the prior commissioners terms.

    There could be a glitch in that each year they must pass this increase for their budget and then be subject to the constitutional clause forbidding their benefit there of.

    As I read your excerpt of 8.1 it seems to establish that Ross or his seat has given up his 3% and that they are still using an every other term increase that would push district 3's pay above the others in the 2011 term unless it was worded wrong and it is the other way around. Is Ross paid that amount now or is he scheduled to be paid that in 2011 budget? the difference between the two is 3%.

    Sorry for the long ramble.
    Randy Neatherlin

  8. Randy, thank you for your comment. I'm going to do another posting on the salary increase or not issue. But to answer your question here, Ross is currently being paid $76,083 while Tim and Lynda are both paid $73,867.

    I checked with two other women who follow the county commissioners closely and were at the meeting on May 25. They both left the BOCC meeting with the impression that Tim and Lynda were receiving a 3% pay raise. Don't know what happened to change that.

    Confusion rains down upon us.

  9. The income of the county commissioners is a reason some would seek the office at election time not what they bring to the table for our community. oh like this election..and...Ms Dittmer..... what experience would she bring to the office if elected?
