Saturday, June 12, 2010

Precious Shellfish

I've recently been thinking what has changed for our neck of the woods in light of the BP oil spill on the Gulf Coast. The first thing that comes to mind is that our commercial shellfish market practically overnight became more precious. I'm not an economist and this isn't rocket science but the potential demand for our shellfish goes up every day BP's untapped oil well spills into the water and spreads further. It's truly sad and a shame but the supply of shellfish coming from the Gulf Coast will be reduced for some time.

Here in Mason County we're having our own little "oil spills" everyday as pollution seeps into our waterways. These little "oil spills" aren't making a big splash in the national media but it all adds up. I believe that if we work together we can control the pollution and that we need to step up to the challenge.

Let's redouble our efforts to protect this portion of our economy and our environment.


  1. Funny you mention that.. I was just saying the same thing to my husband about our shell fish here.

  2. Acid Ocean: The Effect of pH on Calcifying Organisms

    I'm just a Bill.

  3. Thanks for the comments

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