Friday, June 4, 2010

Meetings to Consider Attending - Week of June 7

1. Monday, June 7 the County Commissioners meet at 9 am for their weekly briefings.

This could be an exciting series of briefings on Monday morning. Lynda will be back from her vacation, I think. Perhaps she will share with us her "secret plan" to fund the Deputies Guild.

I'm going out on a limb here with a prediction that the county won't settle with the Deputies Guild until late in 2010 thereby pushing this cost into 2011. The "secret" plan is perhaps a levy shift from the county roads to the general fund.

2. Monday at 10 am the Port of Shelton will hold a special meeting.

Will Jack Miles be censored or sanctioned? And what will that look like?

3. Tuesday at 9 am the Board of County Commissioners will meet.

Will any additional information be forthcoming on ADAGE?

What will the impact of the AFSCME contract settlement be on the county budget?

Have they hired someone to fill the Human Resources position?

4. Tuesday at 10 am the PUD 3 commissioners will meet.

5. Tuesday at 2pm the Port of Shelton holds a workshop.


  1. There's also a meeting on Wednesday at 930a at the Shelton Library for the public to interview the candidates for the executive director position at Timberland Regional Library. The trustees will make their decision in part based on the input from these meetings.

    More info here:

  2. Can I cut and paste this directly onto my blog?

  3. Is the commissioners meeting on Monday or Tuesday? I want to attend with my mother and sister. Thank you

  4. Tamara, the county commissioners meet on Monday mornings starting usually at 9 am for their weekly briefings. Then on Tuesday they meet at 9 am for their weekly business meeting. I'd love to see you there. The more people who attend, the more knowledgeable we all are. There's nothing like seeing the county government in action. We should sell tickets. Have a great day and see you around.

