Monday, June 28, 2010

Glaring Omission & Non -responsiveness by BOCC Chair

If a citizen takes the time to write to their elected officials about a concern, a reasonable person would say that the elected official should take the time to respond to the citizen's concern, especially in an election year. Below is what this blogger sent to the Board on June 7, 2010. Before the briefings today I asked Ross why he'd not responded to me by phone or letter. He said he gave his response in a public meeting last week. I sent a letter as a citizen but didn't deserve a call and have never heard what Ross as the Chair of the Board of County Commissioners has to say about my concern.

Readers, I'm wondering has the Board violated RCW 40.16?

Bottom line: this blogger wants to know why the minutes of the meeting May 11, 2010 don't reflect that Annette McGee wasn't recognized by Chairman Gallagher. Sanitizing minutes of a meeting is bad governance if not illegal. Ignoring citizens is bad politics.

191 SE Allen Road
Shelton, WA 98584
June 7, 2010

Mason County Board of Commissioners
411 North 5th St
Shelton, WA 98584

SUBJECT: BOCC Proceedings May 11, 2010

Dear Commissioners:

Upon reviewing subject minutes I noticed a glaring omission. You did not include in the minutes the fact that Annette McGee asked to speak and was not allowed to speak. That entire incident was not included in your official minutes found on the Mason County website.

I'm not an attorney just a simple citizen but I think this Board is in violation of state law (RCW 40.16). I ask that you correct these minutes immediately and bring them before the public again for approval.

Brenda Hirschi

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