Monday, June 7, 2010

Commissioner Briefings - June 7

Here's a quick recap of what I caught at this morning.

Only Tim and Ross attended. Terra Dittmer, the Republican candidate running for District 3 Commissioner had a representative sitting in for her today. In the last three or four weeks she or her rep have attended both the briefings on Mondays and the Board meetings on Tuesdays.

1. The creation of a Shelton Cemetery District will be on the November ballot. The district will be within the boundaries of the Shelton, Pioneer, Southside, and Grapeview School Districts. In November the voters will approve or disapprove the district and, assuming the district is approved, the voters will also elect three commissioners to establish the Shelton Cemetery District Board. Then at the next special election (Feb or Mar 2011), the voters will approve the levy to fund this new district.

The first question this "home owning-blogger" is going to be asking is, why the Shelton Cemetery isn't being privatized? Don't we have enough of these boards running amok all over the county?

2. The LTAC will meet on June 15, time still to be announced. (I'll bet you are surprised that I want to know what time this meeting will occur.) Mason Fair has submitted a $36K grant request for the LTAC to review. Diane Zoren briefed Tim and Ross that a "generator" has volunteered to serve on the LTAC. Regarding Harmony Hill, Tim continues to strictly go by the LTAC recommendation to not fund the SummerFest. I'm starting to think there's something personal going on here. The LTAC nor the Board can fall back on their published criteria as justification for not funding Harmony Hill.

I asked Tim would he similarly be rubber stamping what the Storm Water Advisory Task Force recommends to pay for the new storm water district currently in the works? He asked that I not twist his words.

Mason County, nearly 25% of this advisory group don't even live in this county. And if you think I'm ticked off because Harmony Hill wasn't funded by the LTAC this year, wait until the property owners in this county see what "fiscal scheme" this storm water advisory group "crafts".

3. The Sheriff will be regularly briefing the Commissioners on the fourth Monday of the month.

4. The public hearing on the rezoning request from Peninsula Top Soil will be continued at tomorrow's Board of County Commissioners meeting. The public comment portion was closed at the May 11 public hearing leaving only the decision by the Board. Today it sounded to me like the Board will approve the rezoning with some conditions.

Ken VanBuskirk apparently was the only "pesky citizen" questioning this rezone. Ken, Ross asked whether you had provided any additional communication. Allen said no that he'd not heard from you. I'm going to assume that silence does not mean agreement on your part, right?

5. Mason County Forest Products has 15 outstanding permits that need to be closed out prior to the sale of this business being finalized. They'd like to see these completed in the next 30 days. Tim said we need to get the workers rehired and running this business.

That's it, Mason County. Thanks for visiting my blog. We had 1163 hits last week. Thank you, thank you!!!


  1. Brenda, thanks for the update. Funny Ross should ask if they had recieved any more comments from me about the Peninsula rezone. The public was told at the May 11 meeting that the public comment section had been closed. If it was still open I would have been happy to comment.
    It might be of interest to your readers that Peninsula also has an appeal before the Mason County hearings examiner at 1 PM tommorrow.
    Ken VanB

  2. As an educated writer, as I assume you to be, I am concerned with your less than enthusiatic attempt at fact checking. On two occasions now I have read blips of your blog containing what you would have readers believe to be truth, while some of us know it to be false. You present superficial information skimmed off the top, but what you are lacking is the context looming beneath. I would encourage you to look a little deeper into the "facts" you present and give your followers ALL the information, not just what may have been said during one thirty minute meeting. You have many readers, and several proclaimed Followers. Be responsible for what you report, as any good journalist would be. Give them the "unvarnished truth", just as you have promised. Those you write to and those you write about deserve no less.

  3. Anonymous, please enlighten me. Where do I have it wrong? That's why I encourage your comments.

  4. Anonymous, I have been to many of these meetings and Brenda has always stated the facts accurately. I also would like to state that A) this is a Blog! (Blogs are usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video.) If you wanted verbatim minutes you will need to request that from the appropriate committees! Oh just fyi: you will only get the "superficial information skimmed off the top" from the Port Meetings. B) Yes, enlighten us all with the context looming beneath that she has purposely left out just to make you squirm! & C) Start your on blog! Go to all of these meetings triple check all of your facts and post your version of what happened! Or even better, why don't you just video tape all of these meetings and post them on your blog! I would love to spend hours a day watching them! Interpretation is in the eye of the beholder!

    I enjoy all of Brenda's entries. And I love that she has encouraged your comments and to help her see the "unvarnished truth" from your point of view!

  5. That's funny that they did not know the time of the LTAC meeting, Commissioner Gallegher announced to the Mason Area Fair board at tonights meeting that it was at 2:00 and encouraged them to contact the advisory board members individually and share their desire for their cut. (not stated exactly like that)
    An audience member sitting right next to Gallagher, as they usually do, stated that it was a good application and they were sure they would get it!

    I'm tired, and as for the Port of Shelton, this is not new behavior for them, people are now watching. The comments I could share would be like a broken record stuck in my brain for days and days, I can't go there.
    Miles needs to assert himself and do his job, stop being bullied, he's the voice of his voters, speak up man! LOUDER
