Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Port of Shelton Special Meeting - June 7

The Port of Shelton will hold a special meeting June 7 at 10 am. Agenda topic for action/discussion is "commissioner/staff interaction".

Do you think this has anything to do with Jack calling for John Dobson's resignation yesterday?


  1. What a waste of taxpayers money. They should just dump ADAGE and end this drama. Is the public invited to this meeting?

  2. Mossy Mom, I believe the special meeting at the Port is open to the public. Why don't the Port Commissioners agree to a special ballot issue to find out what the will of the people is?

  3. Do you suppose anyone has the means to travel to a working incinerator, like McNeil in Vermont, and interview neighbors on camera? I think it would make a large impact for someone to see what it is like first hand living near a wood burning incinerator. There is probably one closer but you get the idea.

  4. therer is a partially working one in Keetle Falls Wasington. It shuts down from time to time due to lack of fuel. It also burns natural gas so it may be a bit cleaner than the Areva/Duke/John Deere plant planned for Shelton.

  5. They just spent 45 minutes running a semi truck and unloading a John Deere logging machine right in front of my house. What a thing to do in a residential neighborhood! I think it's for the forest festival. I'll post pictures on my blog.
