Commissioner Linda Gott and Tom Farmer voted today to increase the overall debt status of the PUD 3 rate payers to the tune of $71 million. Here's how it stacks up: $36 million for the building at John's Prairie, $10.7 million for other capital improvements, $7 million for reserves, $.6 million for issuance fees, $11 million to refinance what we already owe but at a lower interest rate, and another $5.7 million for contingency (Belfair road widening). Our indebtedness today without the support of Commissioner Bruce Jorgenson. In 2012 our annual payment will be $2.8 million rising to $4.5 million by 2040.
Al Brotche asked them to consider an advisory ballot prior to approving the call for bids on the $45 million facility at John's Prairie. As the former Mason County Auditor, Al even offered to help them get the issue on the ballot. But no, Linda and Tom were not going to be swayed with such a small thing as asking what the citizens think about increasing our debt in such an impoverished county.
At today's Board of County Commissioner meeting none other than Tim Sheldon announced that in the US the timber industry had been hit harder by the Great Recession than had the auto industry. Our PUD 3 bills will be going up to cover the cost of an ego trip taken by two PUD 3 commissioners. These bills will arrive before some rate payers recover from the current economic downturn.
When we see Linda and Tom around town, let's be sure to ask them why they refused to allow us to approve or disapprove the increased indebtedness they've placed upon our families. They could easily have allowed us to vote on the John's Prairie Operations Center but chose not to.
Remember what the State Auditor told us when he came to speak to the League of Women Voters Mason County, use shame on the elected officials right up to election day. Shame may not work but our votes will send the ultimate message.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
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Check out this article that just came out in the Kitsap paper:
Thank you Brenda, for all that you do! You are a wonderful addition to our community and I bless the day you chose Washington to be your home!